The winning culture is magic. It can overcome many obstacles and other shortcomings. It can create a force that is unstoppable. It is the most important ingredient in developing a successful business. What are the elements that define a culture? It is not just a feel-good statement. Each element that creates this unique culture must be defined. Then, for each element there must be an action statement that assures fulfillment. It is critical to define the culture at the beginning, and it is important to reinforce that culture every day. Celebration of success sets the stage for future successes.

It is always important to step back and ask, “What is this company all about?” It can’t just be about the numbers in a particular quarter. The numbers will come because of doing the right thing. The optimum numbers result from the dollar votes of the customers, which in turnderive from their favorable experience both online and in the store. Customer loyalty is driven by experience, which is impacted by the company culture they encounter at every touch point when they shop the store and website.

The customer perception must be:

This store is competent – these guys know their stuff.

This store is dependable – these guys always deliver.

This store is trustworthy – these guys have my back.

Leadership sets values and demonstrates behavior that doesn’t just salute the flag but carries it into battle. This leads to a culture of mission driven commitment. The result is extraordinary performance from ordinary people. There must be a big idea that establishes the path forward and a team of zealots committed to follow with a passion. Such a team can accomplish the seemingly impossible. They will resolve to win. Customers feel the culture at that moment of truth when they encounter their first employee. This experience will be told and retold to peers which is the secret of continued growth.